Thursday, May 17, 2007

Polaroid photos for MyKad application?!?

Check this out in Uncle Kit's blog:

If this wasn’t bad enough, when I met my parents at Christmastime, I told them what happened to me, and they said they had recently made their new MyKads too. They then told me that they had to pay RM10 for three photos each. “What….” I said, “it’s now all digital, what photos?” So my father went over and pulled out six polaroid photos from the drawer. “IC photos lah,” my dad said “they took these and scanned it in.” This was the most ridiculous story I had ever heard

(for full post, click here)
A Malaysian (hometown Kuantan) working in Singapore is relating to Uncle Kit his misadventure with a very suspicious National Registration office in Kuantan as well as some observation of his on the system being used to record and process our MyKad details. Perhaps that is one of the modus operandi to enable phantom voters to vote on behalf of the actual voter, without the actual voter knowing, of course. And what a fine example of rent-seeking as well when MyKad applicants are duped into taking Polaroid photos when it is totally unnecessary. Pay for something which doesn't exist, or for crap service, that sounds very familiar to Malaysians every day, isn't it?

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