Thursday, May 10, 2007

Dr M on NEP and ministers

This is the 2nd part of the Malaysiakini interview with Dr M. Interesting excerpts are:

Do you think we should continue the NEP as is? Or revamp it? Or slowly and gradually phase it out?

I think we should restudy it because there are certain weaknesses that have to be corrected. There are still certain areas where you have to preserve this affirmative action and certain areas where we should discard (it). If you start selling APs, take away the APs. Why are you giving away APs, and not protecting bumiputeras who are very prone to selling off their land?
Are you disappointed by the fact that the people you have appointed in cabinet have betrayed you and are now not supporting you?

Well, of course, I have to be disappointed. When I stepped down, I thought I was going to have a good time being at social meetings with these people. Maybe they might even ask me my opinion. But the moment I stepped down, I was cut off dead. They don’t see me at all. From the first day, I was shocked. I thought these were my friends. We were together for 20 years. Why am I cut off like that?
The last question reveals a sense of Dr M's bitterness. But what he is experiencing is nothing new. Anwar, his DPM which he dumped unceremoniously faced pretty much the same thing, and in most cases got it even worse.

Anyway, do read the interview. As usual, Dr M has answers (some will call it excuses) for every question thrown at him. I cannot recall a time when more critical and direct questions were asked of him. And the fact that such questions and his answers are bared for all to see. For me it further entrenches my view of Dr M - a person who seemingly have no self-doubt at all, and does not see himself as capable of making mistakes (except for the part of evaluating characters). In a way, he is a victim of his own success and strong convictions, to the point that whoever has a different view point or ways of doing things will never be acceptable to him. Maybe this simple explanation is the basis of all this spat between him and Pak Lah, and all the conspiracy theories are just tales weaved to make it seem more interesting and entertaining.

Note: Do subscribe to Malaysiakini for only RM150 a year. It is worth every penny, and your subscription is a contribution towards a more open Malaysian society, one which respects legitimate dissenting voices.

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