Friday, May 11, 2007

Bar Council says Ambank is not clean

I commended Ambank in my earlier post when they released a statement saying they do not practise racial discrimination when working with legal firms. Apparently the Bar Council thinks otherwise. From The Star today, it says that Ambank has absolute right and discretion to not work with a legal firm if it doesn't have a bumiputera. More on this in Malaysiakini as well. You could argue that it's a private company and it could whatever it wants. But discrimination by race is clearly in violation of the Constitution, never mind the fact that the biggest violator is the government. And in using such a line, please also remember not to complain about the alleged practice of Malaysian or foreign owned companies refusing to hire or promote bumiputeras. Perhaps it's time for consumers to exercise their rights and stop dealing with such companies. It's time to put a stop to such racism, a clear shame for a nation 50 years in the making.


Anonymous said...

This is unfortunately a multiracial society with all its garbage and prejudice. So everything should be shared so as not to deprive any one race. Money should not be the sole determinant in anything that we decide and do.

The Way I See It said...

Interesting... but then what about employees who practices " fleunt mandarin speaking or Cantonese Speaking' candidate when advertising for employment?

Isn't that racism as well..

Ko-chi Wai said...

language requirements are just that, requirements that come with the job. there's no stopping a malay or indian or iban or kadazan who can demonstrate fluency in mandarin to vie for a job having language as a requirement. it's similar to a job requiring graduates of specific study. is that considered discrimination?

but what has race got to do with requirements? that's something u're born into and u can't change, even if u want to. besides, does belonging to a particular race makes one more qualified or superior to the other? that kinda thinking is nothing but racism, just like the Aryan supremacy ideology of the Nazis.