By now I think most of you would have been swamped with the spin by the mainstream media about how the Agong, through a chap called the "Datuk Pengelola Bijaya Diraja" (i.e. the Royal Household Comptroller), regrets that some quarters have insinuated that His Majesty has either directly or indirectly supported the BERSIH rally on the 10 Nov. Well, in case you're disheartened, please have a read of the links I'm putting up later.
First of all, BERSIH has never stated that the Agong is either supportive or unsupportive of the rally itself. All it ever stated was that the Agong has asked for a list of the representatives who will receive the memorandum on 10 Nov. Besides, the press statement by the Comptroller touched only on the "legality" of the rally/march itself. It doesn't question the memorandum itself, its content, nor the Agong's response specifically on the matter of the memorandum itself. I think it's fair to say it's a measured response calculated to neutralize Umno's accusation that the Agong is supportive of unlawful acts (i.e. the march itself because it doesn't have a police permit).
Secondly, questions have been asked regarding the correctness of palace protocol to have the Comptroller to make statements on behalf of the Agong when the Keeper of the Royal Seal would have been the right person for statements of such gravity. Furthermore, in a departure from convention, the Comptroller actually called for a press conference when before this all statements from the palace have been by fax to the various media companies. All these raise questions on whether there are more to things that meets the eyes, not to mention why such a statement only comes about some 6 days after the event itself.
Whatever it is, I don't think we should be disheartened. If you look at it from a perspective of the dynamics of palace politics and national politics clashing with each other, with a mix of disinformation from the mainstream media thrown in, it is just another "normal" day in Malaysia. Instead, I would choose to be slightly more upbeat, considering how Pak Lah has been forced to finally set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the issues brought forth by the Shock-A-Lingam tape. Will have to see the full terms of reference before we can be really jubilant. Then again, considering what has happened to the report of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Police Misconduct, I will hold my horses.
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Monday, November 19, 2007
Tuanku's "statement" on rally
Posted by
Ko-chi Wai
11:25 AM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Catch Malik Imtiaz squaring off with Nazri and KJ
Updated! 16 Nov 11:15am Catch Rocky's take on the programme. I feel it's a bit too short for a substantive debate. Nazri was his usual self, denying everything and trying to assert his own warped sense of reality. KJ was his usual polished self trying to evade answering questions by changing the issue. Malik was perhaps a bit too soft spoken, but he just laid out the facts as he sees it. Nevertheless, I think by doing this programme, Al Jazeera managed to silence Zam-Zam's outburst and accusation that they don't ask for the government's views.
Original: On Al Jazeera (English) "101 East" programme. Was recorded last night (13 Nov), and supposed to have its first airing at 10.30pm Thursday (15 Nov). Catch it! Don't miss it! If I'm not mistaken, it's on channel 513 on Astro. Check out here for more details.
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Posted by
Ko-chi Wai
12:49 PM
If you think we don't need electoral reforms, think again...
This blog post by Yahya at Yahya's Yap has a detailed explanation on how screwed our electoral process has become by putting in facts and figures the distortion in the number of votes casted for various parties and the seats gained by them. If this is not convincing enough, then nothing will. Check it out at
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Posted by
Ko-chi Wai
10:47 AM
Monday, November 12, 2007
Local media blackout on 10 Nov BERSIH Rally
I have to post this up as there is a total blackout of the 10 Nov BERSIH rally in the mainstream media. Not only that, they even use RTM on the night of 9 Nov to falsely inform people that the rally was postponed. The police said only 4,000 people turned up and they've arrested 245 when in fact only some 40 people have been arrested, which included 25 who was arrested at Masjid Jamek after mayhem broke out caused by the FRU spraying chemical-laced-water and tear gas at the public. Read blogs, websites, and foreign media (Al Jazeera English gave wide coverage with live footage) to get the real information. I was there, and pics were taken by plenty of people. Read Jeff Ooi at here, here and here See for yourself!
Bersih slams gov't over rally crackdown
Nov 12, 07 9:22am
Opposition and human rights groups condemned authorities for attempting to suppress the biggest political rally in a decade with tear gas, water cannons and arrests.
The Bersih organisers also said that at least seven people were beaten and kicked by police and that some needed hospital treatment including one man whose leg was broken.
Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi had vowed to shut down Saturday's rally, held to campaign for electoral reforms as the nation heads for polls expected to be held early next year.
Police locked down the centre of Kuala Lumpur, throwing up roadblocks, searching vehicles and shutting demonstrators out of Dataran Merdeka where they had planned to gather.
Despite the tactics and the use of tear gas and water cannons at one of the rallying points, 40,000 protesters marched to the royal palace where they were briefly addressed by dissident former deputy premier Anwar Ibrahim.
"Malaysians have spoken loud and clear," said parliamentary opposition leader Lim Kit Siang (right), part of an alliance of political parties and civil society groups which mounted the rally.
Lim ridiculed the police chief for claiming that only 4,000 people attended the rally and criticised the government for what he said was an order to the media not to cover the event.
"No newspaper dared to publish photographs of the mammoth peaceful gathering, which was a tribute to Malaysians for their love of peace and commitment to democracy," he said.
Sunday's newspapers instead ran photos of the traffic jams that the roadblocks generated.
"Abdullah should honour his pledge when he became prime minister four years ago to listen to the truth from the people, however unpleasant, and to introduce institutional reforms for justice and democracy," Lim said.
Police bloated number of arrests
Leading human rights group Suaram said that up to 40 people were arrested, far from the figure of 245 given by police.
"They are trying to portray an image of the gathering being unruly and chaotic and that's why they had to arrest 245 people, which is not true at all," said Suaram executive director Yap Swee Seng (right).
"Seven people were injured by the police and one suffered a severe injury," he added. "One person said he was handcuffed and had already fallen to the ground when he was kicked in the head."
Protests are rare in Malaysia, and the last major rallies were seen in 1998 during the "Reformasi" or "Reform" movement that erupted when Anwar was sacked and thrown in jail on sodomy and corruption charges.
The sodomy conviction has been overturned but the corruption verdict stands, barring him from standing for public office until April 2008.
Bersih, a coalition of 70 political parties and NGOs, is calling for a reform of the electoral process including a review of the electoral roll, curbs on postal voting, which they say is being abused, and equal access to state media for all competing parties.
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Posted by
Ko-chi Wai
9:59 AM
Saturday, November 10, 2007
10 Nov 2007 - The Day I Marched
I was there. I had to. I couldn't look into my daughter's eyes and tell her years from now that I was too indifferent, worried, scared, apathetic to do what many now consider the last practical channel in instituting real, far-reaching, and positive change to the way this country will be run. Changes that will determine if the country will have a second real chance in not only surviving, but thrive in this new brutal globalized world, or that it will head inevitably into being one of the many basket cases, failed states that pepper this globe. At least now my conscience is clear. My fellow concerned citizens and myself have made the choice to brave the rain and the police, the threats of the inept, corrupt, and utterly arrogant Umno regime, to accompany our leaders to hand over a petition to our Agong to intervene, for all our sake and the country's. We have done what we could. Now the ball is in the Rulers' courts. Their response and action will determine not only our future, but also of their own. Raja Nazrin has said before in his speech that the Rulers risk fading into irrelevancy if they fail to change with the times and to be in tune with the aspirations of the rakyat.
We headed down early by the LRT. Already the police were causing traffic havoc by setting roadblocks on every major arterial roads leading into KL. KESAS, Federal Highway, Old Klang Road, even the North South Expressway all the way up to the north as well as the east coast. They seem intent on stopping all people from traveling normally. And they have the cheek to say the rally will cause traffic inconvenience. But that didn't stop some 40,000 of us to march to the Istana Negara from four meeting points - Masjid Jamek, Sogo Shopping Center, Central Market, and Masjid Negara. However, at 2.00pm havoc was already wreaked by the police at Masjid Jamek by firing tear gas and chemical-laced-water. I was with the smallest group at Central Market and were having a face-off with the FRU at the bridge next to the Bar Council building. We then routed through a side road next to Bank Pertanian (if I'm not mistaken), averting a possible clash.
All the way from there to the Istana rain was pouring lightly. PAS volunteers (Unit Amal...they were heroes of the day as they stood their ground protecting people as well as even clean up the roads after we dispersed!) in clearly identified maroon uniforms were along the entire path to ensure traffic was disrupted as minimum as possible, and marchers are able to walk in a continuous stream. Thousands stream into the main road in front of the main gates of the Istana where the delegation was already waiting. Anwar Ibrahim had to hitch a ride on a bike to arrive due to the stopping of traffic on both directions. For the first time since 1998 when I saw Merdeka Square filled with a sea of people, I saw thousands and thousands of citizens wearing yellow, carrying ballons and the national flag, sitting in and peacefully shouting "Daulat Tuanku!" and such. It was close to 4.15pm when the delegation consisting of Anwar, Hadi Awang, Kit Siang, and Guan Eng managed to hand over the petition to the Agong's secretary at the gate. The original members of the delegation was changed in the last minute, I think, due to logistical issues brought about by the heavy presence of the police. They even have 2 helicopters hovering above us for some 10 minutes before flying round and round above us. A total waste of precious aviation fuel paid for by taxpayers.
At the end, the crowd marched back to the Masjid Negara and we dispersed. Rain has stopped by then (spots of it still occur once in a while). Along the way I had to update a few SMS queries. On the way back at around 5pm the Federal Highway was still jammed up no thanks to the police who has considered it of utmost priority to screen each and every vehicle that plies that road instead of solving growing crimes of robbery, murder, rape, and thefts. Once back I managed to find out exactly what had happened at Masjid Jamek through Al Jazeera news channel (one of their journalists have to suffer from the tear gas and chemical-laced-water). Central Market was total peace compared to what had happened there, and both locations were only a few hundred meters apart. The news at 9pm had more footage. Find your news from foreign wires, or the various blogs and online portals. There have been a complete blackout on the mainstream media, so don't expect to read, hear, or see anything about the rally in those traditional news sources.
Will Malaysia change for the better? Will the Agong act on our petition? I do not know. But at least I know that today, some 40,000 of my fellow concerned citizens and myself have felt it important enough to spend our Saturday risking a little bit of our wellbeing (at press time some 20 fellow marchers have been arrested earlier from Masjid Jamek, and currently held at the Pudu police station) and walk our talk. At least I know that when I face my daughter in the years to come, I can tell her that her dad had done all he could to ensure a better Malaysia for her and her friends.
We have talked enough. We have tell enough. We have cajoled enough. It's time we act. It's time we march. It's time we put our foot down and say enough is enough!
Hidup Rakyat! Hidup Malaysia! Daulat Tuanku!
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Posted by
Ko-chi Wai
8:54 PM
Friday, November 2, 2007
Nik Aziz subtly hitting Pak Lah at the face
I just have to copy and paste the entire speech made by the Kelantan Menteri Besar, Tuan Guru Dato' Haji Nik Aziz Nik Mat, during the launch of the East Coast Economic Region (ECER) by the PM Abdullah Badawi. For the first time, in the words of Nik Aziz himself, he gets to be on the same stage as the PM and his band of mini-stars as well as other Umno MBs, and gets to make a speech to be addressed directly to their face. In a nutshell, Nik Aziz's speech questioned the ability of the plans to be implemented, the massive funding of the 3 economic regions which could have funded the 9th, 10th, and even 11th Malaysia Plan, pointed out how many of the proposed projects have already been identified 7 years ago by the PAS state government with no responses from the federal government, as well as the ability to execute the plans without the usual leakages, corruption and such. It's a slap in the face for Pak Lah's current penchant to create feel-good factors which are just that - feel-good. And even that is increasingly a failure (do you feel good lately?). Below is the speech published in HarakahDaily (you could read a small excerpt translated into English in Rocky's blog).
Source: Sheih Kickdefella
Ucapan Nik Aziz di ECER - Tazkirah Mursyidul Am PAS kepada Presiden Umno
Tue Oct 30, 07 11:05:53 am MYT
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
"Sesungguhnya Allah menyuruh (kamu) berlaku adil dan berbuat kebajikan, memberi kepada kaum kerabat, dan Allah melarang dari perbuatan keji, kemungkaran dan permusuhan. Dia memberi pengajaran kepadamu agar kamu dapat mengambil pelajaran." (Maksud Surah An Nahl: Ayat 90).
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh dan
Salam Sejahtera
Yang Amat Berhormat
Dato' Seri Abdullah bin Haji Ahmad Badawi
Perdana Menteri Malaysia dan isteri;
Yang Amat Berhormat
Dato' Sri Adnan bin Haji Yaakob
Menteri Besar Pahang;
Yang Amat Berhormat
Dato' Seri Haji Idris bin Jusoh
Menteri Besar Terengganu;
Yang Amat Berhormat
Dato' Haji Abdul Ghani Othman
Menteri Besar Johor;
YB Dato' Seri Mohd. Effendi Norwawi
Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri;
Yang Berhormat
Menteri-Menteri Kabinet;
Yang Berhormat
Ahli-Ahli Parlimen Serta Ahli-Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri;
Pegawai-Pegawai Tinggi Kerajaan Persekutuan Dan Kerajaan-Kerajaan Negeri;
Dif-Dif Kehormat;
Tuan-tuan dan puan-puan sekalian,
Alhamdulillah. Dengan seizin Allah S.W.T., sekali lagi kita dapat menghirup udara nyaman pada hari ini.
Ini menandakan betapa kita masih terus dilimpahi nikmat dengan rahmat dan inayah dari-Nya untuk sama-sama menyaksikan pelancaran Wilayah Ekonomi Pantai Timur bagi Negeri Kelantan.
Sesungguhnya pelancaran ini boleh dijadikan titik tolak ujian keikhlasan kedua-dua belah pihak dalam berkongsi anugerah Allah S.W.T. yang dilimpahi-Nya kepada kita semua baik di Kelantan atau negara Malaysia pada amnya yang sama-sama kita kasihi selama ini.
Bahkan, ia adalah detik bersejarah yang mengesahkan lagi penerusan wujudnya jalinan kerjasama akrab sekian lama khususnya sejak 17 tahun negeri ini diperintah oleh Kerajaan Negeri yang ada pada hari ini.
Tanpa pertukaran apa-apa, pelan yang bakal dilancar dan dilaksanakan nanti tidak memerlukan apa-apa perubahan nakhoda.
Kapal boleh berlayar dengan matlamat yang tidak berganjak yakni memakmurkan bumi Allah dengan segala ikhtiar yang tidak menyalahi syariat Ilahi.
Dalam semangat ini, mewakili Kerajaan dan rakyat Negeri Kelantan, izinkan saya mengalu-alukan kedatangan YAB Dato' Seri Perdana Menteri.
YAB Dato' Seri dan sidang hadirin yang dihormati sekalian,
Tugas pemimpin laksana dasar Allah
Ayat Al-Quran yang baru saya baca dalam muqadimmah tadi biasanya dibaca di atas mimbar Jumaat, saya membacanya pada hari ini di atas mimbar masyarakat.
ImageDi rumah Allah kita menjadi imam dan makmum, manakala di luar rumah Allah kita disebut pemimpin dan rakyat.
Orangnya masih sama. Khutbah dalam masjid menerangkan dasar-dasar Allah manakala ucapan di luar masjid adalah untuk melaksanakan dasar-dasar Allah.
Setelah 17 tahun saya diamanahkan untuk memimpin Kerajaan Kelantan dengan dasar Al-Quran Nul Karim sebagai Kalamullah, termasuk ayat yang saya baca sekejap tadi, petang ini saya dan Kerajaan saya seakan-akan terasa akan adanya perubahan baru.
Saya sedang berada di sebuah pentas buat pertama kalinya dengan pemimpin negara.
Alangkah manisnya hidup kiranya insan yang sengaja diciptakan Allah Azzawajalla dengan berlainan watak dan kerenah ini boleh patuh kepada ketetapan azali sejak Nabi Adam alaihissalam lagi.
Firman Allah S.W.T. ada membawa maksud berbunyi "Dan Kami berfirman: turunlah kamu! Sebahagian kamu menjadi musuh bagi yang lain, dan bagi kamu ada tempat kediaman di bumi, dan kesenangan hidup sampai waktu yang ditentukan. Kemudian (Adam dan Hawa) menerima beberapa kalimat dari Tuhannya, maka Allah menerima taubatnya. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Penerima Taubat lagi Maha Penyayang. Kami berfirman: "turunlah kamu semua dari Syurga itu! Kemudian jika datang petunjukKu kepadamu, maka barang siapa yang mengikuti petunjukKu, nescaya tidak ada kekhuatiran atas mereka, dan tidak (pula) mereka bersedih hati." (Surah Al-Baqarah: Ayat 36 - 38).
Mudah-mudahan langkah penyatuan pentas ini akan memulakan jalur-jalur gemilang yang sungguh-sungguh sebagai ganti kepada jalur-jalur hitam selama 17 tahun sebelum ini.
YAB Dato' Seri dan sidang hadirin sekalian,
Saya sempat juga mengikuti senarai projek-projek raksasa yang ada terkandung di dalam pelan induk yang disebut-sebut akan menelan perbelanjaan berjumlah RM112 bilion ini.
Antara lain ia akan memuatkan sebuah Universiti yang telah beberapa kali dilancarkan, Lebuh Raya Pantai Timur, Jeti di Tok Bali dan usaha untuk menaikkan taraf Lapangan Terbang Sultan Ismail Petra sebagai pusat penerbangan untuk rantau Asia Tenggara, termasuklah keinginan yang kuat untuk memunculkan satu kelas perdagangan dan perindustrian bumiputera.
Alhamdulillah, semua cadangan ini telah lama dikenalpasti dan menjadi sebahagian dari Pelan Jangka Panjang Pembangunan Strategik Negeri Kelantan yang telah kami dokumenkan dan tandatangani sejak 2 Mei 2000; kira-kira 7 tahun yang lalu.
Bahkan memahami pembahagian dan pengkhususan bidang kuasa antara Kerajaan Persekutuan dan Negeri melalui 2 rancangan lima tahun yang telah kita lalui.
Projek-projek cadangan ini telah dikemukakan kepentingannya untuk diberikan perhatian Pusat dari masa ke semasa.
Mungkin kerana kesuntukan kewangan, ia tidak diberikan perhatian.
Kali ini Kerajaan Negeri wajar berterima kasih kepada Kerajaan Pusat kerana telah sudi mengiktiraf apa yang kami kenalpasti sebagai projek-projek mustahak selama ini dan akhirnya telah diberikan perhatian.
Pastikan pelan ECER realistik bukan hipokrasi
Menyentuh tentang peruntukan yang mencecah RM112 bilion untuk ECER, RM177 bilion lagi untuk Koridor Utara dan RM47.6 bilion lagi di Wilayah Pembangunan Iskandar, rakyat menjadi sedikit kagum dengan jumlahnya.
Semakin hairan mereka apabila duit yang diisytiharkan ini boleh menjangkau Rancangan Malaysia ke 9, 10 dan boleh pergi sejauh RMK sebelas.
ImageApapun, jika duit ini memang ada dan tidak menjadi masalah, maka kita perlu mengucapkan sebesar-besar syukur. Alhamdulillah, syabas.
Dalam banyak buku ilmiah, saya ada juga terbaca bahawa sesuatu pelan yang berkesan ialah pelan yang dapat diterima tanpa curiga oleh kumpulan sasar.
Ciri pelan yang berjaya juga ialah pelan yang dapat dilaksanakan.
Biasanya pelan pembangunan yang baik harus bertolak dan bermula dari bacaan mengenai senario ekonomi dunia semasa yang teliti berasaskan unjuran yang tepat mengenai turun naik harga petrol, emas dan lain-lain komoditi yang utama.
Realiti dan waqi' persekitaran yang berubah ini biasanya akan menentukan pula angkubah-angkubah yang memungkinkan sebuah pelan yang realistik itu dapat diisytiharkan.
Saya berandaian, semua aspek ini telah diambil kira dalam segenap segi sehingga ia tidak menjadi sebuah impian dan bukan sekadar 'satu lagi pelan'. Sememangnya indah untuk berada sekadar di alam mimpi kerana ia mengasyikkan:
Anak Cina memetik selasih
Anyam rotan dibuat timba
Tiada yang indah dalam berkasih
Mimpikan bulan jatuh ke riba
Dalam banyak hal, apa yang mustahak ialah pelan yang dapat menghasilkan kenyataan.
Siapalah yang tidak bergembira untuk mendengar janji yang akan datang dalam ratusan bilion ringgit.
Ini lebih-lebih lagilah apabila janji itu dipenuhi.
Sudah banyak kita saksikan betapa janji yang indah kadang-kadang boleh menjadi musuh besar apabila ia gagal dipenuhi. Kebocoran, siling runtuh, rasuah dan pecah amanah, inflasi dan hipokrasi adalah antara musuh-musuh bersama yang boleh menghambat cita-cita murni.
Emas hitam anugerah Allah yang dipinggirkan dalam ECER
YAB Dato' Seri dan sidang hadirin sekalian,
Walaupun cadangan pendaratan gas dan minyak di pesisir pantai kita masih tidak diberi perhatian dalam ECER, saya masihlah memandang kepentingannya sebagai sesuatu yang bersifat mendesak.
Pada kami, ia sepatutnya diletakkan sebagai paksi asas dalam menjana pertumbuhan ekonomi negeri.
Seperti yang telah dikenalpasti oleh Kerajaan Negeri sejak 10 tahun lalu, kami masih merayu agar gas dan minyak didaratkan di Pantai Senok.
Bukan senang deposit emas hitam ini boleh terbentuk.
Dengan penuh susah payah Allah S.W.T. telah ratusan jutaan tahun memeram, mengatur dan memprosesnya secara sebab musabab jauh di kerak bumi.
Dengan segala percaturan kimia melalui mendapan humus, fosil dan tindak balas haba di perut bumi, Allah S.W.T. telah dengan segala ehsan menyimpan lalu menganugerahkan bumi Kelantan dan laut Kelantan dengan bahan semahal ini.
Mensia-siakan nikmat namanya apabila ia seolah-olah dibuat-buat 'terlepas pandang' dan tidak ditimbangkan untuk dimasukkan ke dalam pelan induk pembangunan Wilayah yang sebesar dan sepenting ini.
Setakat ini, kami hanya berputih mata melihat khazanah bumi kami dipunggah dan dihirup sepuas-puas oleh golongan amir politik tanpa didaratkan di pantai Kelantan sendiri walaupun sesudu teh.
Dalam feqah Islam, telah lama ditulis "hukmul fa il wal khu roji wa rriqaz".
Bahkan zakat yang dipungut daripada sesebuah perkampungan tidak boleh dipindah zakat itu ke tempat lain kecuali terlebih dahulu diagih-agihkan kepada al mustahiqiin tempatan.
Ini adalah hukum Allah dan Rasul. Tak disempurna di dunia oleh pihak al-umara', ia akan disempurna juga oleh Allah S.W.T. di akhirat kelak.
"Sesungguhnya hari keputusan (hari kiamat) itu adalah waktu yang dijanjikan bagi mereka semuanya." (Surah Ad-Dukhaan: Ayat 40).
Untuk menyatakan komitmen Kerajaan Negeri terkini, kita telah meluluskan penubuhan sebuah jeti penghantar (supply base) di Pengkalan Kubur, Tumpat, khusus untuk sokongan kerja penggerudian minyak dan gas di Joint Development Area (JDA) dengan Thailand dan Vietnam, di luar pesisir pantai Kelantan.
Kerja pembinaan Jeti tersebut mulai Oktober ini dan ianya akan menjadi pemangkin kepada satu industri yang dapat mengembangkan ekonomi negeri dan membuka peluang pekerjaan.
Dalam keadaan-keadaan yang seperti inilah, relevannya kita mengetepikan sentimen politik bersifat kepartian.
Tidakkah boleh kita menjadikan maudhu' ini sebagai perkara bersama untuk dikongsikan secara pintar bagi tujuan yang sama.
Saya masih ingat betapa murninya ketika KUB menandatangani persefahaman ini bagi pihak Pusat dizaman Tun Dr. Mahathir pada tahun 1996 dahulu.
Ini kekal terlipat dalam sejarah; kisah benar sebuah 'pelan indah' yang tidak menjadi hingga sampai ke hari ini.
Pembinaan modal insan tidak berjaya kecuali dengan tarbiyah Islam
YAB Dato' Seri dan sidang hadirin yang dihormati sekalian.
Dalam hubungan Kelantan yang telah dikenalpasti sebagai Pusat Pembangunan Modal Insan berteraskan ilmu pula, saya bermohonlah untuk memberikan sedikit peringatan.
Mustahil insan itu boleh dibina tanpa agama. Ilmu Al-Quran mengajar kita tentang adanya dua perkara dalam setiap insan itu yakni jasad dan roh.
Membina roh insan adalah memberi faham kepada mereka tentang dosa dan pahala, adanya taat dan maksiat, adanya malaikat dan adanya iblis, adanya hisab dan adanya hari pembalasan, adanya Syurga dan adanya Neraka.
Ini soal asas yang tiada khilaf. Ini konsep tarbiyyah bawaan Nabi-Nabi dan Rasul-Rasul alaihissalam serta para tabi'in dan wali-wali zaman berzaman.
Jika Kelantan mahu diiktiraf sebagai pangkalan terpenting modal insan, maka kita jangan abaikan aspek pembinaan roh.
Elemen rasuah, dedah, dadah, belasah dan menolak hukum Allah adalah manifestasi kekacauan fikrah.
Betapa kacau bilaunya acuan dan tertib tarbiyyah kita yang telah dirangka oleh negara selama ini.
Ikut cara kami bangunkan negara bersama Islam
Untuk itu, mari kita cuba menjadi lebih ikhlas dengan cuba sama-sama memperbetulkan keadaan, memikul amanah agama demi memulihkan manusia untuk kembali kepada nilai-nilai fitrah keinsanan sejati selaras dengan prinsip asal 'ubudiyyah' sejak asal kita semua dijadikan.
ImageBagi kami di Kelantan, kita telah lama mengisytiharkan konsep 'Membangun Bersama Islam', berasaskan dakwah bil hikmah wal mauizotul hasanah.
Dalam rangka konsep ini, kami memuatkan prinsip ubudiyyah yakni semua orang wajib kembali kepada pengabdian yang tidak berbelah bahagi kepada Allah S.W.T.
Bagi mereka yang belum Islam, mereka diajak untuk hidup dalam kesedaran ketuhanan.
Kami juga memuatkan prinsip mas'uliyyah yakni bekerja dengan penuh sedar bahawa setiap manusia tanpa mengira pangkat, bangsa dan budaya akan disoal jawab oleh Allah Taala sendiri tanpa sebarang jurubahasa.
Manakala Itqan yakni bekerja dengan penuh berkualiti untuk menghasilkan apa sahaja nilai amalan dan aktiviti dari jenis yang terbaik.
Seluruh sekolah milik Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan telah dan sedang merangka dan melaksanakan kurikulum dan kokurikulum untuk menggunakan ruang lingkup kesedaran yang keseluruhannya berteraskan ketaqwaan kepada Allah Robbuljalil.
Dalam semangat pesan memesan (Watawa soubilhaq watawa soubissobr), alangkah tepatnya jika pelan pembinaan insan yang termuat dalam ECER ini mampu dengan jujur membuat pengisian-pengisian yang semurni ini.
Jika tidak, percayalah walau secemerlang manapun pelan pembinaan insan kita, tanpa agama, rakyat akan hidup sebagai insan yang bermentalitikan haiwan kerana dia cuma takutkan polis dan BPR, undang-undang, tali gantung dan peraturan dan dia akan hidup dan mati dalam kekeliruan.
Di sana nanti dia akan terpinga-pinga dalam suasana yang salah menyalah "maka, berkatalah pengikut kepada pemimpin dan pemimpin kepada pengikutnya" sebagaimana yang telah dirakamkan di dalam Al-Quran Nul Karim. (Sila semak dan tadarrus sendiri maksud Surah Al-Baqarah dari Ayat 166 hingga 167).
Menyentuh tentang tumpuan pertanian yang khabarnya hanya akan diberikan tumpuan yang sangat minimum oleh Pelan Wilayah Timur ini, saya kira sekali lagi kami perlu membuat teguran.
Sejak dari dahulu, Kelantan dikenali sebagai negeri pertanian. Apa erti mengisytiharkan istilah-istilah seperti "halal hub" atau Jelapang Makanan Negara jika perhatian ke atas sektor ini sekadar bersifat batuk di tangga? Sekali lagi saya mengharapkan sesuatu yang lebih singnifikan dapat dilakukan ke arah pembetulan ini.
Mari bermuafakat elak ganggu Kelantan
YAB Dato' Seri, tuan-tuan dan puan-puan sekalian,
Sudah lebih 17 tahun kita menjalin hubungan kesetiakawanan dalam ikatan konsep persekutuan.
Setakat yang saya ingat, tidak pernah satu kalipun lagi terganggu sebarang projek yang diluluskan oleh Pusat di Kelantan baik kecil mahupun besar mengalami gangguan atau dihalang oleh Kerajaan Negeri.
Melalui permuafakatan dan rundingan, ia sentiasa disambut oleh kami dengan penuh keterbukaan.
Bagaimanapun beradablah ketika melangkah. Bukankah ini Wilayah Timur. Setiap rumah ada tuannya. Masuk berpintu. Keluar bertangga. Kadang-kadang, ya. Terasa juga.
Makan sirih berpinang tidak
Buah keranji atas perahu
Singgah tidak kenang pun tidak
Sampai hati buat tak tahu
Hanya inilah kali pertama saya diberi kesempatan untuk berucap di majlis yang dihadiri oleh YAB Dato' Seri Perdana Menteri. Apapun jua, syukurlah. Saya mengucapkan Alhamdulillah. Segala puji bagi Allah.
Sekali lagi saya ingin mengucapkan berbanyak-banyak terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah bertungkus lumus menjayakan majlis pelancaran ini.
Dengan nama Allah, saya sudahi dengan Wabillahi taufiq Wal hidayah. Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
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Posted by
Ko-chi Wai
11:36 AM
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Samy fuming? More needs to be done than just fume, dey!
Samy is said to be fuming...whether he's fuming against the insensitive and high-handed local authorities (Majlis Bandaraya Shah Alam) in demolishing 200 houses and a 100-year old Hindu Temple (including a surau as well) at Kampung Rimba Jaya, or he's fuming at his own helplessness in such a situation, we'll never know. But for the first time for so long he has come out openly to say that the BN is risking the Indians' votes if they continue to ride roughshod over the rights of Hindus to freedom of worship. Four lawyers trying to assist the arrested residents were refused entry into the Section 11 police station, mandhandled, abused, and arrested. The right of an arrested person to access to his/her lawyer is a fundamental one under our laws which frequently is violated on the whims and fancies of the police force. Even when Suhakam keeps pointing these violations out, the government is like the proverbial 3 monkeys which see, hear, and speak no evil. Read more about this in Tony's blog.
To my Indian Malaysian friends. Would you continue to allow somebody as arrogant as the Umno led government to trample on your rights, and your fellow citizens down physically to the ground? We need to reflect deeply on our sense of right and wrong, and our perception of choices in this country of ours. You can view more pictures of Tuesday's demolition here.
Source: Tamil Nesan
Source: Makkal Osai
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Posted by
Ko-chi Wai
10:03 AM